It Takes Time

(A Whole Lotta Time)

Spooky Stranger things grandfather clock embedded in the school hallway.

I swear, somedays I can hear that Stranger Things clock ticking in my head, chiming ominously at the end of every day. The hardest part of this publishing journey (so far) is the waiting.

No, that’s not true. It’s the rejection (but that’s another blog post). The second hardest part is the constant— checking your phone, updating your inbox, twiddling your thumbs—waiting.

Good thing I’m not a thumb twiddler. The only thing making this whole process more bearable is my constant push forward. Whether it’s writing the next book, posting to social media to interact with the book community, working on my photography, or doing any number of family and household activities, I have plenty to keep me busy. Thank God.

Every journey has its highs and lows. As someone who enjoys a good hike, I understand how rewarding it feels to reach the summit. But I also enjoy the climb to the top — not only the challenge, but knowing I’m getting stronger with each step.

After I dropped my daughter at camp today, I heard a quote on the radio - “The second you wish to be happier, you become less happy.” I love that. So today I’ll celebrate how far I come since I started this journey—my accomplishments and the friends I’ve made. Thank you to everyone cheering me on. I’m not only happy. I’m proud of myself for trying, persisting, and growing.

Now where’s that call I’ve been waiting for? 😆 Tick Tock. tick tock…

Rebecca Danzenbaker

Rebecca Danzenbaker is a Young Adult author who writes (what will someday become) bestselling YA novels.

It Happened


My weird writing habit